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1. When did you start bargain shopping?

I was drawn to bargain shopping back in high school when I acquired my first job and buying clothes came out of my own paycheck. Having a part time job did not leave me a lot of extra money but when I was able to, I hit the racks of Walmart or yard sales to get my fashion and project fix. My closet was slowly making the transition into young adult and when my senior year of high school came around, I was voted by my fellow classmates as ‘Best Dressed’. I was voted ‘Best Dressed’ and I wore clothes from my mom’s closet and from Walmart? Yes, folks, that's right! That is when my love for cheap clothes, thrifty finds, and bargain shopping began.


2. What do you consider “bargain”?

Many people believe bargain shopping is strictly linked to Salvation Army and Goodwill. No, no, no my friends! Although those are the most common and are my favorite places to shop, do not rule out those department chain stores and their clearance racks, yard sales, mom’s/friend’s/sister’s hand-me-downs, etc.! I also consider clothes that I have had for years a bargain because I have worn them enough to get my money’s worth!


3. Do you purchase items that are retail price?

Yikes. Those words "retail price" are frightening...BUT as standoffish as they are, there are items I do buy at full retail price (if I cannot find them on a clearance rack somewhere). Some of these items include undergarments, pant suits, blazors, and so on. Finding your perfect size can be tough and time consuming at a bargain/thrift store so if you need that article of clothing fast, buying the item at retail price is sometimes the way to go. But you better believe I check the clearance rack first for these items!


4. What was the cheapest outfit you have ever put together?

$7.48! From head to toe, the outfit was bargained! The outfit was for a formal gathering. It was a white knee length dress ($1.50) which I paired with nude heels ($2.00), teal earrings ($1.99), and a bracelet ($1.99). I received so many compliments and everyone was shocked to hear that I put it together for so cheap!

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